- Super hot topic; conf was very oversubscribed
- I wasn’t involved with organising at all, but a bunch of folks were messaging me to get tickets
- This wasn’t just me; it was happening to a lot of people
- Biggest takeaways
- Sync engines have a lot of mind share
- Martin’s vision for generic sync that survives startup death seems like a great idea
- But biz model still needs to get figured out IMO
- Barefoot developers made quite a splash
- Let’s deliver on the promise of end user programming that doesn’t have to be at massive scale!
- Seems like a really nice fit IMO since LoFi is good at local data but less good at firehose
Hallway Track
- Lots of folks now talking about my long running questions (yay!)
- Business models
- Access control
- Partial sync
- The web is complicated today! LoFi may be a breathe of fresh air