Hey there, I'm [[Brooklyn Elizabeth Zelenka|Brooke]], a composer-turned-programmer living in beautiful, rainy [[Vancouver, Canada|Vancouver]]. You can find me most places online as [[Brooklyn Elizabeth Zelenka|@expede]]. Until recently, I was the cofounder and CTO at [[Fission Codes|Fission]]. I've been on sabbatical since. > [!tip] Where to Start 🏁 There's a lot of interconnected notes here. Most people seem to be interested in: > - [[Conference Talk|Conference Talks]] > - [[Paper|Paper Summaries]] ## Projects ✍ Depending on the community, I'm best known for: - [[User Controlled Authorization Networks|UCAN]]: a form of distributed, user-owned [[JSON Web Token|JWT]] + [[Simple Public Key Infrastructure|SPKI]] authorisation - [[Interplanetary Virtual Machine|IPVM]]: a distributed scheduler & runtime based on the open world model - [[Witchcraft]]: a port of [[Haskell]] idioms to [[Elixir]] - Writing some [[Ethereum Improvement Proposal]]s ## What I'm (Currently) Excited About 🎉 - [[Programming language]]s (and related [[programming language thoery|theory]]) - [[Distributed systems]] & [[Local-first|LoFi]] - [[Database]] design & [[CRDT]]s