An idea possibly independently invented by a few people, but that I know from [[Philipp Krüger]]. ## Chronology - [Fission internal `#wild-ideas` post]( "") ([[2022]]) - Described briefly in [[Data Transfer batching Techniques featuring Blake3, CAR Mirror, and more]] - [[Irakli Gozalishvili]], [[WarpFork]], and [[Brooklyn Elizabeth Zelenka|I]] discussed it at length at [[IPFS þing]] [[2023]] - Internal [[Fission Codes]] discussion continued from there ## Notes - [[Philipp Krüger]] approached it from the angle that it would pack better for [[Bao Transfer]] - [[Irakli Gozalishvili]] and I wanted something more compact and more readable for humans ```mermaid flowchart LR subgraph User Source <--> Inliner Inliner <--> User_IPFS end User_IPFS <--> Wire Wire <--> Outliner subgraph Service Outliner <--> Service_IPFS end ``` Or in somewhat higher detail: ```mermaid sequenceDiagram LocalStore -) Codec: Codec -) Codec: Outline/expand blocks Codec -) UserIPFS: UserIPFS -) ServiceIPFS: Send over the wire ServiceIPFS --) UserIPFS: Receive over the wire UserIPFS --) Codec: Codec --) Codec: Inline/collapse blocks Codec --) LocalStore: ``` ## WIP Idea Snippets This would have to be more at a layer like a [[CAR file]] rather than [[IPLD]] itself, but we think everyone wants a way to pack IPLD like this when your data is likely to be a tree ### Before ```json { "name": "Smokey", "animal": "cat", "owner": {"/": "bafy...owner"} } bafy...owner = { "name": "Katie Wilde", "city": "Vancouver" } ``` ### After ```json { "name": "Smokey", "animal": "cat", "owner": { "/": { "name": "Katie Wilde", "city": "Vancouver" } } } ``` Where the inlined object would use the hashing parameters of the parent by default (e.g. SHA256 & same codec etc). We often want the same codec across a bunch of serialisations, but that changes the CID, so this helps. [[Irakli Gozalishvili]] is also playing with adding an optional field to include the [[Content Identifier|CID]] if its parameters different which is something like: ```json { "/": [ "bafy...forcedCidEncoding", { "name": "Katie Wilde", "city": "Vancouver" } ] } ``` At time of writing, a bunch of the conversations landed was that this technique probably should be a layer on top of IPLD, and thus be a parallel to something like a [[CAR file]]. At actually works really well with BAR files ([[number zero]]'s [[Bao Transfer]] which we've come to discover uses essentially [[Bao]]-ified [[CAR file]]s)